There has been a lot of
While the Truck series produces some of the best racing we see each year, owners are having a hard time making ends meet.
I believe that the series' best chance of survival is to go back to its roots.
NASCAR already has Cup and Xfinity running on its biggest tracks, and there's no chance of adding new tracks and markets to the mix. So, why not let the Trucks go back to places like Evergreen, Colorado
Yes, the track capacity will be smaller, but full stands will look a lot better than vast stretches of empty seats.
Make it affordable for the tracks and don't demand they install soft-walls; that's a huge expense and really not necessary on the type of tracks we're talking about. Heck, they don't require soft-walls for the K&N races.
Make the Truck series something special again. Give the series its own stage and with it a better chance for survival.