When you think outside of the envelope or try something new, there is risk. Risk of failure or problems. It comes with the territory.
But, as any scientist will tell you, failure is, in its own way, a measure of success as it lets you know what doesn’t work. You can check that method off the list.
For years we’ve heard NASCAR fans complain that the sport was too stuck in its ways. It needed a shake-up; especially the schedule. The past weekend’s event at COTA was part of that shake-up; and there was a lot of excitement around the event.
Rain has always been a problem for NASCAR. No one wants to waste a day sitting around at the track and watch it rain only to ask everyone, especially the fans, to come back the next day.
We have thought that tires were the biggest issue preventing driving in the rain, but have now found out that there are other issues that need to be addressed too.
That’s what happens when you look to do new things. You discover weak spots, learn, and find solutions. You don’t just throw up your arms and quit.